In the summer of 2022, the prestigious Forbes magazine ranked H2 Global Group among the TOP 10 startups from North Moravia. These are companies with global reach, "which you will definitely hear about again" (quoted from Forbes).

Full text from Forbes magazine about H2 Global Group:

"Hydrogen is the most powerful selective antioxidant, it has anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects that medicine is only beginning to discover," says David Maršálek, founder of the group, referring to Czech and international studies.

He founded the group in 2021 in Ostrava, but became interested in the potential of hydrogen eleven years ago after graduating from Business School in Dublin, Ireland. While other innovators are looking at the use of hydrogen in energy and mobility, he sees its future in medicine and biochemistry, cosmetics, agriculture and sports. And H2 Global Group is on course for a billion-dollar business, he says.

The founding of the group was preceded by years of cooperation with international capacities, Palacký University in Olomouc or the Institute of Experimental Medicine, where a therapeutic product using molecular hydrogen was discovered. "This should serve to prevent and treat inflammatory and degenerative diseases. We have already launched several products on the market using this technology and we are working on more,Maršálek notes.

His team develops and manufactures dietary supplements, cosmetics, and, most importantly, special H2 generators using patented technology designed, among other things, for inhaling molecular hydrogen and enriching water. In Ostrava, they have recently established a production, development, training and service centre, Molecular Hydrogen Medical Technologies, which is said to be the first and only one in Europe to specialise in the use of hydrogen in spa and medical applications. "As part of our research and development activities, we are working to ensure that our unique generators will soon be used in the public healthcare system, such as in Japan, where hydrogen is registered as a medical gas," says Maršálek.

The financing of the project is being handled by the group's portfolio company Molecular HydroGEN Investment Group, which is preparing another hydrogen bond issue and negotiating with investors.

Full Forbes article on all the top 10 startups:


Forbes, H2 Times

Picture: H2 Global Group