H2 Global Group holds an international patent for the treatment and mitigation of Alzheimer's disease. It combines a proprietary inhalation device, hydrogen water and dietary supplements. The company is now linking its discovery to personalized healthcare. Scientists warn - the number of sufferers is rising steeply and close relatives are at up to 4 times the risk!

Alzheimer's disease doesn't just threaten the elderly - the first changes in the brain begin around the age of 40 and then can progressively lead to serious manifestations of various types of dementia. The imaginary light at the end for millions of people around the world seems to be shining from the Czech Republic. H2 Global Group holds an international patent for treating and mitigating the effects of Alzheimer's disease using molecular hydrogen. The significant potential of this patent, developed in collaboration with Japanese scientists, is confirmed by ongoing projects on which the company has been working for a long time.

The patent includes a unique solution in the form of inhaling molecular hydrogen from specially adapted generators, drinking hydrogen water and targeted supplementation. Newly, the company plans to integrate a unique application to help detect disease risk in people with a genetic predisposition, in addition to therapeutic care. Early detection will enable prevention to be initiated in at-risk groups, representing a major shift from treatment to disease prevention. This has also long been one of H2 Global Group's strong focus areas - research and development of bioactive nutrients.

Regular inhalation of molecular hydrogen from H2 Vibe devices can not only alleviate the symptoms of an ongoing disease, but also prevent it if started early. Photo: H2 Global Group

From scientific discovery to profitable innovation
H2 Global Group comes up with innovations that link scientific research with practical applications. "We are applying our patents in several ongoing projects that are often time, cost and process intensive. However, the company's key objective remains not only research, but also bringing innovations to market quickly, which brings immediate opportunities for existing and new investors. That is why we will soon be introducing a new two-step nutrient aimed at protecting and regenerating the brain. We also want to reach the at-risk group early and offer them effective strategies to protect cognitive functions, which can reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases," explains H2 Global Group CEO Viktória Procházková.

Japanese professor Shigeo Ohta, a world-renowned expert on molecular hydrogen, has been researching it for 30 years. "We have found that oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage are major factors in the development of Alzheimer's disease. Hydrogen can suppress inflammation, positively affect cognitive function and may play a key role in the therapy of the disease as well as neuronal protection," explains Ohta, a partner at H2 Global Group.

Alzheimer's disease: A gateway for innovation
The number of Alzheimer's patients is rocketing - over 55 million people worldwide, and more than 150,000 in the Czech Republic. Estimates show that unless effective measures are taken, these numbers will double by 2050.

Initial brain damage begins as early as around the age of 40, but can take decades to manifest. Regular supplementation with molecular hydrogen and a personalised approach to health can slow or even completely prevent the development of the disease. "Early detection, risk elimination and prevention as part of a daily routine are the keys to a good quality of life without the manifestations of Alzheimer's dementia," says Viktória Procházková.

H2 Global Group CEO Viktória Procházková believes that hydrogen as part of daily routine is the key to a good quality of life without the manifestation of Alzheimer's dementia. Photo: H2 Global Group

An investment opportunity in the medicine of the future
The innovation and the fast-paced commercialization of H2 Global Group's patented solutions open up new opportunities not only for therapy but also for lucrative investment in the medicine of the future. "Hydrogen therapy is increasingly proving to be a revolutionary approach in the prevention and treatment of a range of diseases, and it is thanks to H2 Global Group's patented technologies that it is now moving from research laboratories directly to widespread use in practice," explains H2 Invest CEO Martin Frais.

The combination of scientific knowledge and a targeted go-to-market strategy opens up space for investors looking for stable and promising value for their money in MedTech and HealthTech with an emphasis on social responsibility. "Hydrogen technologies have the potential to fundamentally transform the approach to treatment and recovery, as evidenced by the growing interest from physicians, researchers and patients. Right now is a unique opportunity to participate in the development of innovations that can redefine modern medicine. The H2 Group is actively building an industry with enormous growth potential, the boundaries of which are constantly expanding. This is also why it is an investment with a long-term perspective and a high potential for stability," concludes Frais.