The recipe for a radical boost to human health and an instant energy boost is supply your body with molecular hydrogen every day. This is a worldwide, scientifically proven trend that originated in Japan. This trend has been used in the fields of wellness, medicine, cosmetics, sports...
Molecular hydrogen is also used by top athletes, top executives, and artistic celebrities such as actor Ryan Reynolds (known for his starring role in the movie Deadpool).
One of the easiest ways to supply our bodies with molecular hydrogen on a regular basis isto inhale it using an inhaler.
Because with every breath, our body absorbs hydrogen instantly. Hydrogen is used extremely quickly by our body's cells and tissues (no other antioxidant is faster or more powerful), neutralizing highly dangerous free radicals. They are the main cause of civilization diseases, stress, fatigue, aging - including, for example, skin aging. Hydrogen, as a carrier of negative ions, quickly and very effectively alkalizes our body's over-acidified environment through inhalation.
When inhaling hydrogen, one gets a similar pleasant sensation as if one were standing on the seashore, where healing negative ions are also released into the air.
The daily hydrogen inhalation "relaxation" with its positive effects on health, energy and longevity is simply being used by more and more people all over the world. Molecular hydrogen inhalation serves both as a prevention against disease and as a proven accelerator of healing processes when the body is experiencing an illness.
In general, it can be summarized that hydrogen inhalation:
- significantly strengthens the immune system
- protects against viral diseases
- helps to ensure the healthy functioning of the body's organs
- delays ageing and enhances vitality even at an advanced age
- enhances performance in sport and aids sports recovery
- relieves stress and fatigue in any occupation or provides new physical and mental strength
- facilitates a person's path to physical beauty
Petr Hušek
Photos: Dreamstime / Marvel