Another Czech unicorn on the horizon? Hydrogen - the simplest and most abundant element in the universe. Its potential is endless, just like the story of H2 Global Group, a company that can transform hydrogen into modern-day gold. Their activities go beyond common perception, benefiting medicine in particular, but also mobility and energy, and at the end of the year they opened the gates of education for many professionals with their globally unique H2MedTech medical conference. This "explosive" alchemy is also reflected in the numbers - the company's valuation has exceeded CZK 309 million according to the latest valuation. And there are already more investors around who don't want to miss out on this explosive hydrogen potential and are planning to invest a billion in the company this year!
Imagine hydrogen as a seed, sown at the right time in a fertile field. H2 Global Group has the ability to see potential where others see only empty ground. The company's growth over the past four years is proof that when you invest smartly, profitably and innovatively, the harvest will come. According to Martin Frais, CEO of H2 Investment, the key to success is investing in those projects that represent a significant business shift. And not just in areas that have traditionally been associated with hydrogen, such as energy or mobility, but also in medicine, agriculture and even veterinary medicine.
"Over the last 4 years, the company has grown rapidly. The first bond issue was in 2019, that's when the first investors started coming into our company. The first were private funds from several investors, then a systemic product approved by the CNB was created. With this issuance, the company laid the foundations for the broad portfolio of areas from which the H2 Group draws its business success today, and which the company has confirmed that the use of hydrogen in medicine has a very high benefit and interdisciplinary overlap."
And this corresponds to the value calculated by the expert Kateřina Valentová Worschová in her opinion. It was drawn up on 27 December 2023, with an effective date of 30 November 2023. The report contains 40 pages of text and 2 annexes and states that the normal value of the know-how was set at CZK 309 329 000.
"The discounted cash flow method in the equity variant was used for the valuation. The expert was based on data provided by the company and publicly available information," explains Květoslav Chytil, Vice President of Finance at H2 Global Group. "The valued know-how includes patents, trademarks, utility models and domain names owned by H2 Global Group and its subsidiaries. The company's sales strategy includes the development of online sales, expansion into foreign markets and cooperation with distributors."

Second CNB prospectus
The year 2024 will be an exceptional opportunity for new hydrogen enthusiasts. H2 Global Group's second CNB prospectus is coming out. "We will be extending the newly issued prospectus to 3, 5 and 7 year investments with the option to convert the borrowed amount into the Group's share pool. It is now already focused on humans and new technologies and industries beyond - such as mobility, virtual reality, agriculture and veterinary. This year, the company has also targeted hydrogen-related projects such as rehabilitation directly in hospital facilities and manufacturing autonomy," explains Frais, the group's hydrogen investment director.
"The sale of the prospectus is planned to start in Q2 2024. As part of the acquisitions we are planning, H2 Investment will recruit projects from within and outside the parent group, for example in the field of food growing, virtual reality and measurement technologies," adds Květoslav Chytil.
"The investment will be made through several distribution channels - the main one is through H2 Invest. If anyone is interested in participating in the hydrogen future, they can simply contact us through our website," explains Martin Frais of H2 Investment.

The hydrogen age has already begun
H2 Global Group understands that information is key. That is why two main educational channels have been created: the hydrogen newspaper H2 Times News, which regularly reports on hydrogen news, and the international H2 MedTech conference. The latter aims to educate the professional public in particular about the effects and possibilities of molecular hydrogen in medicine. At the first edition of the event, which took place in Ostrava at the end of 2023, renowned doctors and scientists, led by the father of hydrogen biomedicine and discoverer of the miraculous properties of hydrogen, Prof. Shigeo Ohta, gave lectures. Due to the huge success of the event, it will be followed up on an even larger scale this year.
"There are many areas where hydrogen can be used and we, as the market leader, have the longest experience and we want to share that. Molecular hydrogen can be used by both general practitioners and specialists, but also by physiotherapists, dentists or dermatologists. Therefore, we are already planning the next edition of this conference and there is definitely something to look forward to," says the project's guarantor, MVDr. Pavel Lakový.
The idea for this event was born in the mind of renowned scientist Prof. Shigeo Ohta, who believes that hydrogen will soon become a normal part of our lives. In his native Japan, it is already possible to see hydrogen technology in practice in hundreds of clinics and thousands of fitness centres, where people are given hydrogen-saturated water. Investing in hydrogen is therefore not just a trend, he says, but a way to be part of an absolutely fascinating medical development that is moving forward at a tremendous pace. And as Professor Ohta says: "The time is now. In 2025 it may be too late."
Hydrogen is not limited to one use, one area. It is an element that adapts, that transforms and empowers. When you look at the list of experts at H2 Global Group, it's clear that it's not just about the science - it's about the practice, the real-world applications, and most importantly, the vision. "H2 Global Group is an example of how the combination of vision, expertise and strategic investment can become a powerful force in the marketplace. And you now have a unique chance to be part of that force. This is exactly what H2 Global Group offers," concludes Martin Frais.