H2 Global Group was founded and is led by visionary David Maršálek, whose global vision is not unlike that of visionary and entrepreneur Elon Musk. 

H2 Global Group:                                                       

Grandios Vision becomes a reality                                                                              

It's as if we're watching a riveting American film in awe, and yet it's pure reality. The Ostrava-based company H2 Global Group is beginning to transform the world. With Molecular Hydrogen®. 

It is transforming medicine in particular, the entire field of "beauty", wellness, spa, food, agriculture, livestock, sports... But what is crucial: it brings every person the opportunity to live much healthier, to feel physically and mentally better, to have a lot of energy. And to live to a riper age. Especially in our hectic, stress-weary Western civilisation, this is like discovering miraculous "living water". 

H2 Global Group was founded and is led by visionary David Maršálek, not unlike visionary and entrepreneur Elon Musk in his global vision. 

David Maršálek has been heavily involved in molecular hydrogen since 2012 when he was introduced to its use in Los Angeles. In 2015, he founded the European Institute for Molecular Hydrogen Therapeutics ( www.eimht.com ), a non-profit scientific organization with a highly respected advisory panel of professors, researchers and other distinguished academics.

In an interview with Forbes magazine in 2021, David Maršálek said, among other things, "Our group is a world leader and a pioneer in the field of hydrogen technology ... Molecular hydrogen is known for its wide range of scientifically proven positive effects on human health and is already registered as a medical gas in Japan, for example. I understand that it is only a matter of time before it becomes a desirable commodity in various fields around the world. So I decided to give hydrogen my time, energy and finances."

The team of David Maršálek's closest collaborators is growing year by year with other prominent managerial, medical, scientific and business personalities, the most well-known to the public being the successful athlete and entrepreneur, Olympic champion Aleš Valenta. Among dozens of other personalities, let us mention for example Doc. PhDr. Michal Botek, Ph.D. from Palackého University in Olomouc, whose scientific study was the first in the world to demonstrate the positive effects of molecular hydrogen inhalation on significantly accelerating recovery after a covid.

H2 Global Group is the 'mother' of subsidiaries, mainly H2 World Health & Beauty, H2 Medical Technologies, H2 Pharm R&D and H2 Investment Group. The latter provides project financing from private investors. These subsidiaries handle the entire development and product development process. From the initial ideas and innovations to the box with the actual product - for example, hydrogen generator and inhaler, hydrogen tablets, hydrogen water generator and other unique products.

To the uninitiated, what the entire H2 Global Group does can seem like science fiction. But only until they get a closer look at the specific activities of this company...

More about the H2 Global Group: https://www.h2global.group/

Photographies: H2 Global Group