VR LIFE has achieved a significant success! It won the title of Company of the Year 2024 of the Moravian-Silesian Region for its innovative approach to rehabilitation using virtual reality. Thanks to VR Vitalis applications, VR LIFE enables patients to receive faster and more effective rehabilitation, activation exercises and mental health care. "Congratulations to VR LIFE on this well-deserved award," says David Marshalek, President of H2 Global Group, which has a one-fifth stake in VR Vitalis.

Last year, the company, which is giving virtual reality a whole new twist, came in second. This year, it has already taken the imaginary throne. On winning the award, Jana Trdá adds: "It was a very pleasant surprise. Not only the award, but especially the great interest of the other participants in VR Vitalis."

Commenting on the jury's choice, Dusan Klimek of Volkswagen said, "I wish the winner to bring the digital technology of the future to as many countries as possible in this way, and thus help all groups in need." Other winners included the Ostrava-based construction company HSF System and the third place went to Wrap Up from Frýdlant nad Ostravicí. The company produces functional pastry bags and other products for the kitchen.

VR LIFE won the Moravian-Silesian Region Company 2024 competition with its innovative rehabilitation method. Photo: VR Vitalis

VR LIFE and its revolutionary approach
VR LIFE creates rehabilitation apps to help patients in hospitals and care homes. With their help, rehabilitation becomes more fun and effective, speeding up the recovery of patients in various departments such as rehabilitation, neurology, psychiatry, oncology or neurosurgery.

"In the beginning, we created a module for Paraple Centre clients to help them with spastic pain. The positive reactions motivated us to develop other modules," explains Jana Trdá, CEO of VR LIFE. The company's products have already been successfully sold not only in the Czech Republic, but also in Poland, the Baltics and Slovakia.

In mid-2023, Molecular HydroGEN Investment Group, a subsidiary of H2 Global Group, entered VR LIFE, investing CZK 15 million and acquiring a 20% stake. This move created a unique collaboration that combined virtual reality with molecular hydrogen inhalation - an innovative therapy aimed at improving respiratory function, reducing symptoms of shortness of breath and chronic colds.

"The combination of hydrogen and virtual reality exercise is producing unprecedented results," says Prof. Shigeo Ohta, Ph.D., Vice President of Science and Research at H2 Global Group. Molecular hydrogen has anti-inflammatory effects and can help patients with various health conditions, including post-covid syndrome or Alzheimer's disease, for which the company holds a patent.

H2 Global Group is proud to support the development of such innovative solutions. "Congratulations to VR LIFE on this well-deserved award! It is amazing to see how their innovative approach to virtual reality rehabilitation is changing the lives of patients and expanding to other countries. This award is proof that the combination of advanced technologies has huge potential. We are proud to be part of this journey and look forward to further successes together."

Photo source: courtesy of Firmaroku.cz