Molecular hydrogen is becoming increasingly popular due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Whether it is used for health promotion, regeneration or treatment of chronic diseases, it offers a variety of methods of use. Inhalation, hydrogen-enriched water or tablets - which method is right for you?

Molecular hydrogen (H2) has gained increasing attention in medicine and wellness in recent years due to its ability to protect cells from damage caused by oxidative stress. This gas is mainly used for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, making it an interesting bioactive substance in the treatment of various diseases, including obesity, diabetes or neurodegenerative diseases. There are several ways to take molecular hydrogen on the market: by inhalation, by drinking hydrogen-saturated water or by taking tablets.

Inhalation: the fast track to action
Molecular hydrogen inhalation is one of the most effective methods of getting hydrogen directly into the body. When inhaled, hydrogen is immediately absorbed through the lungs into the bloodstream, allowing for a rapid onset of effects. "With hydrogen inhalation, we can measure it in the blood in just 2 min and in the muscles in 10 min. This method is ideal for situations where an immediate response is needed, such as acute medical conditions or intensive recovery after physical exertion," explains Japanese professor Shigeo Ohta, who discovered hydrogen's antioxidant properties.

The disadvantage of inhalation might seem to be its difficulty - it requires a specialised device - a hydrogen generator, a device that works on the principle of electrolysis of water. However, if you have a H2 VIBE generator, you can easily generate gas for inhalation and hydrogenated water at the same time on a daily basis. You can then direct the hydrogen gas as needed with a nasal, ear or eye applicator.

Hydrogen-enriched water: a simple and effective solution
Drinking water enriched with molecular hydrogen is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to supply the body with this substance. Hydrogen-enriched water not only offers the effects of molecular hydrogen, but also promotes hydration of the body, which is essential for maintaining health. The benefit is that hydrogen water can easily be incorporated into your daily routine, whether at home, at work or on the go. However, it is important to consume it shortly after saturation to maintain its maximum effectiveness. A great solution is H2 VIBE Premium bottled hydrogen water, which has a high hydrogen content thanks to the nanobubbles that last a very long time in the can.

Molecular hydrogen tablets: practical and accurate dosing
The tablets can be of two kinds. The first, when dissolved in water, release molecular hydrogen usually in a reaction with magnesium. For example, an H2 Dent Care tablet is allowed to dissolve in the mouth and there it releases a large amount of hydrogen with an effect on the mouth, gums or tongue. The second type of tablets are dietary supplements that contain substances that serve as food for our microbiome in the colon. During fermentation, the bacteria begin to produce large amounts of molecular hydrogen, which, due to its extremely small size, gradually reaches the entire body. The disadvantage may be the slower onset of action, which is about 3 hours after taking it. On the plus side, the gradual and sustained release of hydrogen means that the effects can last longer than with other methods of use. This long-lasting effect may be useful for those who want to supply the body with molecular hydrogen continuously, yet do not need an immediate onset of effects, but rather a sustained health boost.

Which method is best for you?
Choosing the right method of taking molecular hydrogen depends on your individual needs and lifestyle. "A combination of all is best. Inhalation is ideal for a quick and intense effect. Hydrogen-enriched water is simple, natural and suitable for long-term use, and tablets for convenience and flexibility, and especially for a long-lasting effect," says Shigeo Ohta.

No matter which method you choose, the key is to start reaping the benefits that molecular hydrogen offers - from improving metabolism to protecting against oxidative stress, a common denominator for most diseases of civilization.